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Underrated Truck Driver Health & Wellness Tips.

Underrated Truck Driver Health & Wellness Tips

Truck driving isn’t as simple as many people think. Any professional truck driver can attest to how challenging it can be on the road for hours on end and how difficult it is to stay alert and focused. It’s not enough that trucks undergo CoF inspections and commercial vehicles undergo WoF inspections to ensure they’re fit to drive on the road. We also need to focus on truck driver health and wellness for truck drivers to remain safe while on driving duty.


Why it's imperative to focus on driver health and wellness

Long-haul truck drivers need to meet strict deadlines. For them to reach their destination safely and efficiently, they need to stay healthy. Truck drivers can lose their jobs as a result of health issues. The exhausting nature of their work can also contribute to health issues such as elevated blood pressure, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. When these issues are left unaddressed, they can affect one’s ability to drive safely and negatively impact their career.


Health and wellness tips for drivers to stay fit:

There are several ways truck drivers can alleviate the physical strain of their work and prevent other potential problems. Here are some of the most common:


1. Prioritise physical activity 

Regular exercise is essential for any employee working in any industry. It promotes a healthy lifestyle and can prevent several health problems such as heart disease and high glucose levels. Truck drivers travelling long distances will benefit from regular physical activity as it can solve common issues, such as foot pain or gas pedal knee. Although it can be hard to fit gym time into one’s driving schedule, simple crunches, stretches, or push-ups during breaks can help truckers remain active and alert.


2. Mind your posture

Truck drivers spend a chunk of their time in their trucks and it's easy to get aches and pains when sitting for long periods. Practising proper driving posture can deter common problems like lower back pain and sciatica. Commercial vehicles should also have a driver seat equipped with lumbar support for an improved driving experience.


3. Wear sunscreen

Standard truck windows can’t protect your skin from UV rays. Wearing a broad-spectrum UVA sunscreen can help truck drivers protect their faces and arms from overexposure and deter premature skin aging.


4. Increase water intake

Drinking water may sometimes be an afterthought, but hydration is vital, especially in long-haul driving. Constant hydration helps expel toxins from the body and keep our minds more alert. Truck drivers should drink ideally two litres of water per day to stay energised and alert.


5. Get enough sleep

Truck drivers work for long hours, and it doesn't help that their industry runs on an unpredictable schedule. This makes them more susceptible to burnout and fatigue. At least seven hours of sleep is essential to avoid overworking their bodies that may lead to potential harm to their health.


Stay on top of your career by prioritising health!

Truck driving is hard work. Albeit rewarding, it can be a mentally and physically taxing job. Taking simple steps to improve health and wellness can help truck drivers stay safe, alert, and happy while on the road.

As you focus on your health, we focus on your truck’s condition. Let William Gill & Sons take one less worry away by taking care of your commercial vehicle’s servicing, repairs, CoF and WoF inspections, and other truck maintenance services. Register your vehicle for an assessment today!